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My Epic EPIK Application Process (Fall 2020)

If you're reading this, I'm on my way to a new adventure! The process getting to this point was long and fraught with uncertainty, but it'll hopefully all be worth it when I finally touch down in South Korea!

If interested in the details about my journey applying to EPIK (English Program in Korea), read on. If not, more exciting adventures will certainly be coming soon!

February 1—Application Opens

February 9—Application Submitted

The application consists of three parts. The first is the main application which includes all of your information such as passport number, work experience, and 2 letters of recommendation. AKA the easiest section. The second is the relatively short essay portion, about 1,000 words total. You must answer why you want to teach in Korea, what is your teaching philosophy, and how will you handle cultural differences. The final part is the lesson plan sample where you must write up a 40-minute class lesson plan. This was the most difficult part for me because I've never had to make one before. Luckily I wasn't asked to make any changes and submitted without a hitch!

March 10—Application Accepted, Interview scheduled

A month later and I receive the email: Application accepted!

March 30—Interview

My first job interview ever! Eek... Despite my panic and racing heart, the interview was 30 minutes and relatively painless. It was on Skype which was weird but less intimidating than an in-person one I think. The call accidentally dropped in the middle, but I called right back and it was okay. My interviewer could see me, but I couldn't see her so it was hard to get a sense of if I did well or not.

April 5—Interview Passed!

Only a short wait and I found out I passed my interview! From here it's almost certain I'll get a placement in Korea! Now to gather my initial documents to send to Korea.

April 26—Initial Documents Arrived

In order to increase your chances of getting your preferred city in Korea, you should submit your required documents ASAP. I didn't have my diploma or final transcripts yet, so I had to send off the docs I did have to secure my place in line for placements.

May 2—Graduated!

May 11-24—120-hour TEFL Class

This course didn't take me 120 hours thankfully. I did two modules a day and finished quickly. I had to do a little extra work because this class counted as the final college credit I needed before officially graduating. Now I can get my TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certificate, college diploma, and final transcripts.

June 9—Quarantine Info

Applicants are informed that we must quarantine at our own expense upon arrival to Korea. I've decided to continue, but many have withdrawn their applications.

June 19—Officially Recommended to an Office of Education

EPIK is a sort of liaison between the offices of education in Korea and the guest English teachers, so the actual Offices of Education in each city have final say on if a school selects us or not.

July 9—Final Documents Received

Finally all of my documents have arrived in Korea.

July 13—Received placement in Ulsan—I'm going to Korea!

Luckily for me, I was placed in a metropolitan city! Almost everyone else not in Ulsan was placed in a province, meaning they likely won't know their exact city, only general location, until the final day of orientation. I still don't know where I'll be in Ulsan (it's huge), my address, my school, or even my grade levels.

July 20—Visa Documents Arrived

With only 2 weeks left until leaving and a 3 week processing time for visas, it was a mad rush to send everything off in time. The day I received my contract, I rushed to a clinic to get a "you have no covid symptoms" letter and Costco to get passport photos. The next day I mailed it all to the Korean consulate in Atlanta. Now to wait and hope my passport and visa arrive before my flight leaves.

July 24—Flight Booked

EPIK wanted us to arrive in Korea on August 6. I had a $300 credit for American Airlines so I wanted to go through them. However, the only flight they had arrived on August 7. It was a risk to book my flight without having received my passport yet, but I didn't want this one flight to fill up or get more expensive. Luckily the airline was offering no change fees, just in case.

August 1—Visa Arrived

Finally! The heavens have smiled on me in the form of an early passport and visa! I'm all set to go to Korea! Now to pack up my whole life and enjoy my last moments with my family and friends for a whole year...

August 5-7—Flight

3:46pm-5:47pm West Palm Beach to Dallas (2 hours)

5:47pm-11:10am layover (17 hours)

11:10am-3:15pm Dallas to Incheon (15 hours)

August 7-21—Quarantine

2 weeks locked in a room... what more can I say...

August 21-25—EPIK Orientation

4 days of lectures preparing us for teaching English as a foreign language.

August 26—Journey to Ulsan

Today's schedule of events: leave at 6:30 for our 4 hour bus to Ulsan, meet our co-teachers, meet my principal and vice principal, apply for Alien Registration Card at immigration, come home to my new apartment and struggle to work the appliances.

August 27—Begin Work

Since the students are online this week and next, my co-teacher already made their lessons. All I can do is try to not die of boredom from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Definitely not a bad start to work.

The Fall 2020 EPIK intake was certainly different from (and quite a bit more stressful than) any other. More requirements, less time, more rushing and confusion and last minute decisions... Instead of 800 (or so I've heard) new teachers, EPIK only brought 101. Hopefully future intakes won't have to go through the same wildness or at least can learn from this one.

Thank you for reading!

1 Comment

Sep 16, 2020

I know that I shouldn't be amazed by you and all that you have accomplished in your 22 years, but I still am. I would have never thought you to be a world traveler, but here you are filling up your passport - don't ever stop!

Keep dreaming. Keep doing. Keep striving! You are going to do great things girl!

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